Speak up. Put your needs first. Live your life UNAPOLOGETICALLY

Releasing yourself from others' expectations isn’t easy. You have to wade through old, restrictive beliefs and take strong action - even when you know people won’t like it.

You don’t need to go it alone.

Let me stand beside you as your Life Coach, arm in arm, and show them enough is enough.


For millennia women have been raised to be ‘good girls’. To do as they’re told and put the needs of others ahead of their own. 


We’re taught this with the best of intentions – so we grow up to be kind and compliant members of society.

But the consequence is we’ve become good girls.


We lost our sense of self.

Our relationships lack authenticity.

We struggle to realise our true potential.


It ends NOW. 


“THE GOOD GIRL REBELLION” is a bespoke and supportive online community.

A place for you to feel seen, heard and appreciated!


Where like-minded souls inspire, support, and empower each other to live more courageous, confident and authentic lives.


Ready to stop playing small and limiting your potential?

Let’s disrupt the pattern and lead the Good Girl Rebellion together.

Confident & Calmer Clients

I am more confident, calmer and feel less anxious when dealing with the pressures of my daily life. I now have some useful tools to use when I feel like I am not coping, it is now so much easier to deal with everything. I know when I need to take time for myself and I now set aside time each day to just be. I loved how you’d interact we me and help me focus and think about myself.
~ Karen ~
Business Owner & Grannie
You have taught me so much! I have found that you have made me understand a lot more about why I am feeling certain ways and why. I am now able to take a step back and then dive deeper to see what I need to change. And you have given me the resources and knowledge on how to get to that point. Previously I could identify the feeling but not go further. You have helped changed my mindset in so many things. I could go on!
~ Eden ~
Full-Time University Student


How to say NO with Confidence and Conviction

Ready to be the BOSS of YOUR life?

Ditch the pressure to live the way others think you should.

You’re just five days away from caring less about what others think and expressing what you want instead!

Start now from anywhere in the world.

Designed to help you say NO to all the sh*t you’re expected to do out of obligation, habit and guilt-tripping.

Step into your personal power!


From under the pump to carefree in 30 days!

Unique online coaching experience curated to meet you where you’re at.

Over 30 days we’ll start setting up healthy boundaries, building your inner strength and getting clear on what YOU want from life.

Ready to:

  • blast those pesky obstacles to smithereens?
  • liberate yourself using my tried and tested tools and techniques?
  • find freedom from people-pleasing and start doing life YOUR way?


Your intuitive membership helping women to embody self-worth.

Celebrating where you’ve been, where you’re at, and where you’re going.

Your space to feel seen, understood, appreciated and supported. With me as your guide to help you navigate life’s challenges and enjoy living life to the fullest.

  • Get purposeful and personal support and guidance 
  • Gain valuable insights, ask questions and troubleshoot the current issues you’re dealing with
  • Nurture encouraging, inspiring and uplifting connections with each other
  • Connect deeper and more meaningfully with other like-minded women on a similar journey to yours

The Sanctuary Co. is private, intimate, and curated with YOUR needs as the centrepiece of the conversation.

The heart of The Sanctuary Co. is about helping you to:

  • Rebuild your confidence
  • Extinguish self-doubt
  • Empower you to speak up for yourself
  • And encourage you to put your needs first

Ready to develop a stronger connection with your inner wisdom? 

Ready to understand yourself, your value and your worth?

Ready to learn just how in control you are of who you would like to be?


Yes. Lesa Blackham Coaching guarantees that if you follow your goals and action steps, open yourself fully to the coaching experience and dedicate enough time and effort, you will get great results from our time together.


With a track record of hundreds of clients, Lesa is confident that coaching will help you make a change in your life towards your desired results.

Counselling is a past-focused discipline, in which the counsellor identifies the reasons for the person’s feelings and behaviours and offers ways to handle a particular issue. Unfortunately, this often gives the client a label, e.g. “I’m depressed”, which they use to justify their actions and thereby limit their ability to change.


Some clients come to Lesa Blackham Coaching after experiencing counselling because now that they have an understanding of patterns of behaviour they keep repeating they are ready to take action to move forward.


In coaching, we focus on the future, because no matter what has happened in the past, any person can make it better and learn to achieve, grow and be happy.

Education is typically about giving information or introducing knowledge and skills about specific topics. Some parts of our programs consist of teaching – passing on the knowledge of human behaviour, mindset and self empowerment. Many clients are very good at memorising that knowledge and some of them already have that knowledge, yet they find it hard to use this knowledge to make a change.

Have you ever said, “I know what I need to do, but don’t know how?” How many times have you read an awesome book and said, “I will make a change NOW”, and after three days, you have lost that motivation? You are not alone. Many people experience the same thing.

Everyone can benefit from learning about the way our brain works and the theories and research available to help us achieve success. The knowledge is applicable to everyone, but not everyone can implement it.

Coaching is more than teaching. It gives you the knowledge of what you need to do, the tools that help you do it and the support and guidance you need along the way until you gain control over your mind, body and soul. Your coach will stay with you as long as you want and help you implement those new skills.

Coaching deals with the things that are important to you, not to anybody else. This makes coaching incredibly effective, because you can see positive results right away and this encourages you to continue, so you get better and better results. At the same time, your confidence grows, until you feel you can handle just about anything, and then you are happy.

At Lesa Blackham Coaching, we believe that our internal world is reflected by the world around us. Therefore, what you think becomes your reality. This means that we must first become who we want to be and the results will follow.

Our coaching programs are holistic and long-term focused. We work with you to build a healthy mindset and then teach you how to sustain and even enhance the positive changes in yourself and your environment. In a sense, you become your own coach. This combination ensures your change and growth long after the life coaching is over.

Lesa is an educator, life coach, NLP practitioner, yoga instructor, mindfulness meditation teacher and life longer learner. She is a speaker and presenter and has been writing, coaching and teaching mindset techniques for 6 years. She has developed a range of workshops, presentations, and special programs, which have been hugely successful and have touched the lives of many women across Australia.

Lesa is an experienced and powerful presenter, delivering inspiring messages of motivation, encouragement, self-love, radical responsiblity and success to the people who attend her workshops.

For her community work, she was nominated for the Esperance Chamber of Commerce’s Innovation and Excellence Award in 2022.

Lesa has helped many people, to turbo-charge their lives, establish great relationships, find their purpose and discover the joys of a successful life.

Lesa believes that people can (and should) live happy and fulfilling lives by learning mindset skills to manage their feelings and actions and to take charge of their life and open the doors to endless possibilities.

Coaching sessions take between 60 – 90 minutes, but we ask that you allow for 2 hours. We do not believe in “one size fits all” and we will not stop the session because the time is up. If we are in the middle of something important, we will take the time to complete the session, even if that extends the time.

Payment is expected at the time of registration, online, through PayPal or Stripe, either:

  1. Upfront in full, or
  2. The first instalment of a payment plan.

Although coaching is not covered by Medicare, you may be able to claim your payments under Self-Managed NDIS.

Unsure which option is best for you?

Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. So let’s talk it over with a free 30-minute clarity call. 

I’ll listen to what your biggest struggles are and let you know the most cost-effective way to overcome them.